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Updated: Feb 1



It’s the new year, blah blah blah. Not that our date changes have anything to do with this post since nothing much will change from 2023 I believe. 

To read previous year's posts check out The Book Of Deborah blog. It will help you to understand my fascination with my name, the Bible, and my overall satire.

So I saw something that inspired me to spell my glorious biblical name backward and google it. Harobed garnered a few sites of its own. Though not in the top 100 most popular American first names I learned some interesting facts. Firstly the shortened form Harod is in the bible too. It means trembling and fear. And in case you weren’t aware all the names in the bible had meaning to them.

Bear with me as I relay the bible’s account of Harod. 

“Gideon called Isreal to arms to fight the war with the Midianites. (This passage is also in the famous book of Judges where Deborah’s story is told.) Weird, anyway 32,000 soldiers showed up. But the big guy thought that was too many and ordered all who were afraid and trembling to go home, 22,000 went. Then the remaining 10,000 were tested on their water-drinking habits and a mere 300 passed. What the what, “you got some splaining to do Lucy.” With just the 300 left Gideon engaged the enemy and won.

Harod’s contribution to the passage was that Gideon and the Israelites hunkered down by his spring before the battle. Again, what the what?

Now that we are all bored and confused about the importance of Deborah spelled backward, I’ll submit. There isn’t any importance—just some thoughts and facts I found as interesting as the change of dates. Happy New Year.

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